Before you read this post, it would probably be in your best interest to check out the URL of the the blog posted above. Lets just be honest, Sarah Palin is not one of my favorite people in the world right now. As a matter of fact, I don't really like her or anything she stands for. My blog choices may seem biased, but really isn't that the point?
The blog that I chose to work with is called HinesSight. The blog itself was incredibly interesting, but I was more intrigued by the comments than anything. This blog discusses the advantages and (primarily) disadvantages of potential Vice President Sarah Palin. The main focus on this blog is "who cares" about Sarah Palin, and for those who do, why?
"Because…she's hot! (To my 59 year old eyes, she's a youthful 44 year old babe.) And she's been right on a few things -- like her admitted use of marijuana, including inhaling, when pot was legal in Alaska. If Joe Biden's brain could be put in her body, that'd make for a much more attractive Obama administration. Unfortunately, this isn't going to happen."
Sarah Palin, much like any attractive celebrity (which she has become) knows that she is a desirable woman who is constantly the talk of politics, but more than that- the talk of all media. Most people who are "following" politics right now don't have even the slightest idea what Palin stands for, other than the few things that are repeated over and over.
Creationism: favors teaching it.
Global climate change: denies humans are a cause.
Abortion: rejects it even in cases of rape or incest.
Polar bears: who cares?
There were a variation in the comments that were made on this blog, most of them which I found to be incredibly interesting. Some of them were far from politically correct, whereas others were legitimate arguments. Here is a glance of responses from both sides of the spectrum :
"Id pick the corn out of her pooh. And id love to let her ride my pork sword any day of the week. So what if she smoked Mary Jane? Didn't we all in the 80's? Plus she is Pro Gun and that's damn sexy too."
This man obviously is not looking at this blog from a political standpoint. Most people are on the same page. Sarah Palin has risen so high in popularity that her political beliefs are no longer acknowledged. Her sex appeal, and now past drug habits are putting her on the path to Presidency. She's getting media coverage for all the wrong reasons.
Sarah Palin is scarrrrrrrry!
How come she hasn't given an interview by HERSELF. I think if she speaks without John Mc Bush, the Alaska ignorance will become unveiled. The Dem are campaigning separately, How come she isn't.
Her views are not mainstream at all!!! If you noticed on the campaign trail with John Mc Bush, she keeps repeating the same words and or speech she gave at the RNC... go figure.
Still on the verge of being politically incorrect, but at least this comment discusses more than Palin's physical appearance. She is an attractive woman. She has more appealing qualities than flaws, however it seems that the more media coverage their is on this woman, the more they are dragging her down. People think that having a "hot vp" is the way to go, however taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture is strongly advised. We're on a path to destruction. Something needs to be done.
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