Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Degeneres vs. McCain- Gay Marriage

I must say that this was an incredibly bold move on John McCain's part! I cannot believe that he would take such a firm stance on his beliefs. There are parts of me that admire his wit, however I also feel that going on the Ellen Degeneres show to bash gay marriage was a little to far. Although YouTube is not the most scholarly source of information, I feel as though some of the 30,000 comments that were made on this video, a small handful of them were legitimate responses.

Many people made rude and hurtful comments towards Ms. Degeneres calling her names such as "dyke" and "queer", yet there was also a chunk of comments that were incredibly supportive. Most comments that worked in Ellen's favor were along the lines of, "she handled this like a professional, eloquent yet firm. She definitely made John McCain feel uncomfortable. It was an obvious mistake.

Ellen and John both made some incredibly bold statements in this video, many of which were up for debate.

"We are all people" was one of the lines in this video that sparked the attention of most. Me included. I feel as though Ellen is right. People are people. Love is love. And I also agree with her comment of hoping that one day gay marriage will no longer be classified as a contract. Many YouTube viewers also had opinions on the topic.

"Since is the government who provides marriage licenses... if gay marriage is allowed, any other form of marriage must be allowed too. Two people, three people, fifty people, eight women and one men, one women and eight men... EVERY COMBINATION as long as they are consenting adults and not first grade relatives. Otherwise it would be discriminatory"

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Gay Politics

This will be an overlap of information on lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and gay politicians in the United States, both elected or current candidates, both in Congress and in the states. A check who is open about it and who is in the closet. Coming out of the closest is a very difficult thing for many politicians to do. It is not only a large step for the individual themselves, but also for their families, friends, and most of all, career.

"To win equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Americans we need the support of fair-minded politicians as well as LGBT politicians that put a personal face to legislation. Like in any institution, a critical mass of LGBT politicians is needed in order to represent our need for legal equality."
  • Only one member of the House of Representatives is an openly gay man: Barney Frank

  • Only one member of the House of Representatives is openly lesbian: Tammy Baldwin

  • No members of the House of Representatives are openly bisexual or transgender

  • No members of the US Senate are openly LGBT, although several are believed to be in the closet and vote against pro-equality legislation

  • 20 states do not have an openly LGBT member of the State Legislature


In the pictures above are two homosexual members of the House of Representatives. Can you tell? No, of course not. Nobody can. Sexuality is something that is a personal choice and should be left in ones personal life only. It should not have the opportunity to effect ones job or social life what so ever. If only people in politics were more accepting of members of the GLBT community. It would help the world of politics become more open minded and possibly expand beyond the titles of "conservative" and "liberal".

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sexual Politics of Sarah Palin: Sex Sells, Even with Anti-Sex Authoritarians


The election may be over and publicity may be slowly swindling to an end, but there are still some things regarding the losing candidates that I would like to discuss. Things that could have might possibly lost McCain/Palin the election.

Before reading what I have to say, I would highly suggest reading the blog attached. Amazing. To the point, honest, and quite frankly everything that I had wanted to say myself. The first paragraph can trip you up if you read it too fast. Read it slow, and even twice. Some may be distracted by the amount of times the word "sexuality" and "sexism" are thrown around, but it really does make sense. I love this blog!

I thought that the most creative idea used in this blog was the idea of Sexy Puritan.

Sexy Puritans engage in the culture war on two levels—not simply by advocating conservative positions on hot-button social issues but by embodying nonthreatening mainstream standards of female beauty and behavior at the same time. The net result is a paradox, a bit of cognitive dissonance very useful to the cultural right: You get a little thrill along with your traditional values, a wink along with the wagging finger. Somehow, you don't feel quite as much like a prig as you expected to.

It really doesn't get much more straightforward right there. Creative and well put.

The idea behind this blog that got me was the fact that sex sells anti-sex? Doesn't really make any sense. To anyone. But it seemed to be part of Sarah Palin's plan the entire time. Attractive woman, running with a much older, uh gentlemen. Protesting pro-life and abortion. Pushing the ideas of Christianity and following God's way, yet her unmarried 17 year old daughter is pregnant? There is only so much hypocritical nonsense that people can do before they start getting called out on it. I hope to slowly drift my blogs away from Sarah Palin. By spending time blogging on her after the fact, I feel as though I am making a contribution to her continued publicity stunts. I will let the past be the past. Regardless, read the blog attached!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Let's Get ONE Thing Straight America...

John McCain did NOT choose Sarah Palin to be his running mate because she is an attractive, well put together, much younger woman. He chose her because she is qualified, intelligent, attractive, and a well put together much younger woman. Please note the difference.

Let's get real. Sarah Palin, before being selected as John McCain's running mate, had hardly any experience in politics, compared to say that of, Joe Biden. Palin was mayor of a town whose population was less than 9,000 people. She was governor of a state, that most Americans forget exists. Although I could find myself constantly focusing on the negatives that come with Sarah Palin, I will say that she has her upsides.

I personally find it incredibly unfortunate for Palin herself to be a female in this presidential election. Not only is she a conservative, but she is by far the most attractive running candidate in the entirety of this election, which has worked both for and against her. Because of her sex appeal, and somewhat bumpy interviews along the way, Sarah Palin, for the most part has been laughed at, degraded, and completely underestimated since the announcement of her vice presidency. Google it. Search it on YouTube. Hell, even watch the local and national news. There isn't really anything good that people have to say. Probably one of the reasons I swing so much to the left side. What ever happened to equal treatment of candidates? I realize this is basically an impossible task, but Biden has received much less hassle in this ordeal than Palin ever will.

I feel as though this is going to continue to happen until someone steps up and sets people straight. I do not agree with Sarah Palin. I do not agree with anything that she stands for. I do feel however that she deserves a fair shot in this election. I also feel that John McCain deserves that same right. Using Sarah Palin's sex appeal as an advantage in this election may or may not be included in John McCain's selection, but that is for no one to judge but himself. It was strategic. Most of us would agree, but there had to have been more to it than that.

I plan on continuing on with my thoughts on this topic, but in the meantime, I will leave you with this. Watch the video. Watch it closely. Its sad to see that people watch this to feel educated. Watching an edited news program for knowledge as well as entertainment. I will admit I laughed, but I know better. Some don't which is why America is where it is.