Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sexual Politics of Sarah Palin: Sex Sells, Even with Anti-Sex Authoritarians

The election may be over and publicity may be slowly swindling to an end, but there are still some things regarding the losing candidates that I would like to discuss. Things that could have might possibly lost McCain/Palin the election.

Before reading what I have to say, I would highly suggest reading the blog attached. Amazing. To the point, honest, and quite frankly everything that I had wanted to say myself. The first paragraph can trip you up if you read it too fast. Read it slow, and even twice. Some may be distracted by the amount of times the word "sexuality" and "sexism" are thrown around, but it really does make sense. I love this blog!

I thought that the most creative idea used in this blog was the idea of Sexy Puritan.

Sexy Puritans engage in the culture war on two levels—not simply by advocating conservative positions on hot-button social issues but by embodying nonthreatening mainstream standards of female beauty and behavior at the same time. The net result is a paradox, a bit of cognitive dissonance very useful to the cultural right: You get a little thrill along with your traditional values, a wink along with the wagging finger. Somehow, you don't feel quite as much like a prig as you expected to.

It really doesn't get much more straightforward right there. Creative and well put.

The idea behind this blog that got me was the fact that sex sells anti-sex? Doesn't really make any sense. To anyone. But it seemed to be part of Sarah Palin's plan the entire time. Attractive woman, running with a much older, uh gentlemen. Protesting pro-life and abortion. Pushing the ideas of Christianity and following God's way, yet her unmarried 17 year old daughter is pregnant? There is only so much hypocritical nonsense that people can do before they start getting called out on it. I hope to slowly drift my blogs away from Sarah Palin. By spending time blogging on her after the fact, I feel as though I am making a contribution to her continued publicity stunts. I will let the past be the past. Regardless, read the blog attached!

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